Eurogroup Consulting in collaboration with the ESCP Europe MBA students conducted a study on the “Future of the car subscription market”. This report offers a comprehensive analysis of how to enhance the profitability, and the anticipated evolutions in the next five years of car subscription models. It explores the root causes that led to the creation and development of these offers, as well as an overview of the global market, key global trends, customer insights, and recommendations for optimization and improved profitability.
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4 major factors influenced us to study this subject
- The fervor this topic has created over the previous three to four years.
- The new players who have entered the financing market via this type of offer (BIPI, Fleetpool, Finn, Cazoo).
- The established actors (ALD, Renault, Stellantis/Free2Move, Sixt) have also addressed the issue: through acquisitions, offers development, and discussions.
- The observation that today’s market has not taken off: due to obstacles, failures, the entry of new competitors, etc. The offer’s business model is still fragile and does not ensure profitability at the expected level.
The study aims to address two fundamental questions
- Is there a market for this offer? If so, which one?
- What are the primary prerequisites needed for the business model to be sustainable?
Methodology & Approach used
The methodology is based on mapping, researching, and interviewing in order to address our four steps approach.
From the numerous industry leader’s interviews, we received unique business insights and reinforced our perspective for success.
- Understanding the industry
- Global and local operations
- Identify crucial figures and players in Europe, Asia, and the USA within the sector
- Analyze external factors with PESTEL
- Deep dive into key players
- Market size, share, and demand
- Top players / regional dynamics
- Focus on value chain
- The different models
- Operating model: vehicle management, logistics, services
- Industry dynamics
- Strategic options
- Customer journey
- Go-to-market model
- GAP analysis
- SWOT : strategic insights
- Best practices
- Potential business opportunities
- Recommendations for profitability

Bertrand De La Villéon