When one crisis leads to a succession of crises: management to the test of Covid-19
From the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis, organisations have experienced an unprecedented situation. Dealt with like a temporary health crisis,…
Organizations are facing changes on many different levels:
Many factors are accelerating organizational or technologic breaks and disrupting managing systems. To alleviate those transformations, on-going innovation inside the organizations is required, considering collaborators experience in order to engage them.
Among those factors:
The agile approaches of change management have brought concrete and easily recognizable profits. Among them, the efficiency of change actions, massive enrolment and collaborators’ engagement. Another example is the spread of change culture and digitalization of actions in favor of real-time and responsiveness.
Amplified Change Management is going further in its contribution to master these evolutions. It first allows a global targeting and tailor-made initiatives thanks to digital tools. It also brings an open ecosystem which gathers the inputs of startups and new technologies. Its impact and triggered changes are instantaneous. At last, it rolls out constant agility and adaptability of approaches, a transmission and a real anchoring of actions thanks to experiments inspired from multicultural methods.
Engage at scale, to the last collaborator, but also frame our speech and methodologies:
Take an interest in both collective and individual dimension thanks to our Talentee team. Our certified coaches are specialists in management and coaching (collective and individual), assessment and development, talent detection and development.
We deploy the most innovative solutions in an integrated approach. We are founding members of ESSEC Chair in Managerial Innovation and Operational Excellence. We also have created an in-house Managerial Innovation Laboratory. Finally, our amplifier of startups with mobilization projects, Mob’Tech, offers us a wide network of partner startups at the forefront of innovation.
We promote agile transformations, with incremental results and feedback measured and used in a short term:
Take into consideration the different dynamics of change that we may encounter internationally:
Commit ourselves to make lasting but also positive changes in the company’s ability to transform itself by its own means, after our intervention:
From the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis, organisations have experienced an unprecedented situation. Dealt with like a temporary health crisis,…